Should My Business Invest in Freight Warranty?

Home Myfreight Blog Should My Business Invest in Freight Warranty?

Freight warranty and insurance can provide businesses peace of mind in the event there is an issue with their goods during transit. Myfreight has partnered with FreightSafe to provide a warranty covering the value of goods if they are lost or damaged in transit.

Myfreight offers this as an opt-in program, so it is available to customers who feel they would benefit from additional protection.

Myfreight offers two types of warranty:

  • One-off cover
  • Cover built into the cost of each consignment

The cost to cover the value of goods depends on different delivery scenarios, for example whether the goods are being delivered to a residential or commercial address, and the consequent risk associated.



The warranty excess is the amount paid by the consumer in the event where a claim is made. It is a contribution you are required to pay towards the claim you make.


Your warranty limit is the maximum amount of money you can receive for your claim, less the excess.


Your premium is the amount paid to purchase a warranty. Either a one-off cost for a single consignment or a cost built into the price listed in Myfreight, for every consignment.

What isn’t covered?

The following goods are “excluded goods” meaning they are not covered by FreightSafe’s warranty:

  • currency;
  • negotiable instruments;
  • jewellery;
  • gemstones;
  • precious metals;
  • antiques;
  • works of art;
  • securities;
  • drugs;
  • weapons;
  • living animals or plants;
  • refrigerated/perishable goods;
  • household and personal effects;
  • second-hand goods;
  • cigarettes;
  • tobacco and tobacco products;
  • glass or glass product and any valuable documents.

In addition to this, Myfreight will not be liable for any claim where Myfreight in its reasonable opinion considers the packaging of goods to be inadequate for road, rail or air transportation.

For further information, please see Myfreight and FreightSafe’s warranty terms and conditions –

How do I get started?

Get started by contacting your Myfreight Account Manager, or emailing